Member of DICGC for Deposit Insurance:
The DICGC insures principal and interest upto a maximum amount of five lakhs. For example, if an individual had an account with a principal amount of 4,95,000 plus accrued interest of 4,000, the total amount insured by the DICGC would be 4,99,000. All State, Central and Primary cooperative banks, also called urban cooperative banks, functioning in States / Union Territories which have amended the local Cooperative Societies Act empowering the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to order the Registrar of Cooperative Societies of the State / Union Territory to wind up a cooperative bank or to supersede its committee of management and requiring the Registrar not to take any action regarding winding up, amalgamation or reconstruction of a co-operative bank without prior sanction in writing from the RBI are covered under the Deposit Insurance Scheme. At present all co-operative banks are covered by the DICGC.
Primary cooperative societies are not insured by the DICGC.
he DICGC while registering the banks as insured banks furnishes them with printed leaflets for display giving information relating to the protection afforded by the Corporation to the depositors of the insured banks. In case of doubt, depositor should make specific enquiry from the branch official in this regard.
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